Importing GPX into EasyRoute

I just received a message through my contact page asking about EasyRoute’s GPX import feature. Unfortunately, my reply got bounced back to me, so I figured I’d address it with a blog entry in case anyone else was confused about it and hopefully the person asking about it will return here and find the answer.

EasyRoute is registered as being able to open GPX files which means another app needs to offer it to EasyRoute. For example, if your GPX file is a mail attachment, EasyRoute will show up in the mail app as being able to open it.

If your GPX info is in another app, EasyRoute will be available through the that app’s export or share feature. (A box with an arrow pointing up out of it seems to be the universal icon for that these days)

If the GPX file is not on your device at all, just e-mail it to yourself.

As you can see, I make every effort to reply to all messages regarding EasyRoute.

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