EasyRoute 3.2.3 – A Few Notes

A bit of a random release. I just wanted to release a few things that were ready to go.

A Setup Process

There is a new a setup/welcome prompt that takes you through some settings that might be easily missed. If you’ve been using the app, think of it as a tune-up. Otherwise, it should help new users set their preferences to their liking.

Dynamic Text

I’ve been meaning to get to this for some time, but the text sizes on the route list and a number of other places in the app will scale according to the system-wide setting. There are a few views that won’t be so straightforward to support, so they still have a fixed size for now, but my aim is to support dynamic text throughout the whole app at some point.

Record to Health with Apple Watch

Okay, so I said many times I didn’t want to turn EasyRoute into a workout tracker, but I was using the route-following feature alongside other Apple Watch workout-tracking apps (like the built-in one and the Strava app) and felt compelled to experiment with it. Also, the more I used it, the more it felt like the lack of Health tracking was an omission.

So now, if you flip a switch before following a route, a Health workout will be recorded as you follow the route. There is a new screen to the right of the route screen that will show some basic stats while you’re in-progress.

The thing is, this was a lot of fun to work on! I was training for a marathon (but got sidelined, so settled for a half) and it was pretty cool to build and tweak it for what I needed week-to-week.

As I expected though, the ways I can expand on this are endless. It opens the door for a whole new app to grow out of EasyRoute, which is tempting, but there are still a lot of route-planning features I want to do so I’m releasing what works well right now for anyone who might want to use it and moving on to some other cool route-planning features I’ve got cooking.

Why is it only supported on the Apple Watch? Well, I think it would look and behave pretty differently on the phone and I’ve got it working nicely on the watch at the moment so am just releasing that for now.

As usual, if there are any comments, questions or feedback, the best way to get me is through my contact page.

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