EasyRoute 1.5 Released

So, I’m a little late with this announcement because I didn’t realize Apple had approved 1.5. I submitted it 8 days ago and haven’t heard anything since then. The Apple developer website was taken down after a security scare, so maybe that had something to do with it.

Anyway, I want to discuss the changes in 1.5…

First, on the iPhone, I moved the map options button off the bottom toolbar and onto the map itself. I did this mostly because I needed room on the toolbar, but I think it works well on the map too.

Second, the map options themselves have been revamped. Before, there were only a few options revealed by curling back the map, now there are many options in their own view. I did this because I needed the flexibility and space for the new features that are available in 1.5. More about the features themselves are on the iTunes page.

Third, the share button has been moved down to the main toolbar. Having it up on top was a little bit unconventional and not completely supported by iOS the way I was doing it. It worked for iOS 6, but didn’t quite hold together when looking at it on iOS 7. (Yes, I’m getting EasyRoute for iOS 7.)

Finally, on the subject of iOS 7: as you can see, Apple is going for a simpler and cleaner look. I applied that thinking to the elevation graph and got rid of the shiny embossed metal look in favor of a simpler, but more colorful style. I liked it, so I left it that way.

Unless a bug pops up that I feel I have to fix, I don’t expect another release until after iOS 7 ships. In addition to iOS 7 enhancements, I have a few more features planned too.

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